Salt and light Matthew 5: 13-16; Mark 9: 50; Luke 14: 34-35

8LIGHT THE LAMPlight-path
As the candle gives light to everyone in the house,
Let our light shine upon the men and women
To reflect God’s glory through our good deeds; 
To bring more praises unto the Father in Heaven.

As the candle is lit and put up on its lamp stand,
Let hidden, be seen and concealed, be open.
If you receive, practise and share God’s glory,
Your blessings are many, to the wicked one.

As the candle is placed high on the lamp stand,
Your eye is the lamp of the body to light yourselves.
When your body is lit, there’s no room for darkness,
You only shine and reflect the image of godliness.
Written by Sneha Bright
Copyright© Sneha Bright 2014. All rights reserved

We are…….
★We are the salt. If we lose savour, we are worthy to be trodden upon.
★We are the light of the world, if people see Christ in us.
★If we are the salt and the light of the world, we can bring more and more people unto the Kingdom of God.

Jesus’ definition of Relationship……….
★Jesus’ definition of relationship is in terms of those who hear God’s Word and put it into practice – which matters ever more to Jesus than blood relationship. 
“For neither did his brethren believe him.” (John 7:5)

To be a light……..
∗ To be a light, we must be consistent with God’s instruction.
∗ To be a light, we need dedication
∗ To be a light, we must be filled with Holy Spirit.
∗ To be a light, we need to believe Jesus.

Lord, let our spiritual wisdom be put into practice to bring more and more people unto Your kingdom and not covered or hidden under a bushel. Amen.
Glory be to God

Bible Reading – Linked

Video – Linked

Sing along – Linked

Please note: Bible reading, Sing along and Videos are linked to the websites. Please click to go through them. All the Scripture references are also linked. Thank you.

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