Acts Chapter: 6

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deacons-acts-6The First Deacons
Acts 6 : 1 – 7
∗ Number of disciples multiplied.
* Grumbling arose from Grecians against Hebrews.
* Widows were neglected in the daily ministration.
* So the apostles decided for more leaders.
* Looked for seven men of honesty, full of Holy Ghost and wisdom.
* Stephen, Philip, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, Nicolas and Antioch.
* They were set before the apostles.
* The apostles laid their hands on them.
* And they prayed.
* Word of God increased.
* Number of disciples multiplied.
∗ Problems were to be expected
∗ Discrimination was not among the people.
∗ Its a spiritual calling as teaching and preaching.
∗ The Apostles applied the wisdom of God as they were filled with Holy Spirit.
∗ The Apostles empowered the ministry team.
∗ The team was aware of the problem of discrimination among the people and they were striving to inclusive rather than exclusive.
* Priests were obedient to faith.

Stephen Brought before the Council.
Acts 6 : 7 -15
Synagogue arose against Stephen.
* Stephen was a man of faith and power, wonders and miracles.
* He was a man of wisdom and full of Holy Spirit.
* His face glowed like an angel’s face.
∗ Members of the Synagogue were no match for his wisdom. 
* Stephen spoke against the temple which is God’s House. 
* And the law of Moses, which is God’s Word.
∗ Yet rather than conceding that he knew more than they knew, they used the same tactic the Pharisees had used with Jesus, enlisting false witness to twist His words.
In spite of all these allegations on Stephen, his face glowed with divine glory much as Moses’ did after he’d spent time in the presence of God.(Exodus 34 :29 – 35)

Let’s pray…..
Lord, let there be more and more people chosen for the ministry team to spread Your Word. 
Lord, let’s look for the glowing of the divine glory on the the faces of one another. Amen.
Glory be to God

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